View the Art of Life Exhibit (inset), and look especially at the "Embracing child and career" panel (image inset).
This panel of JFA's Art of Life Exhibit features Madame Vigée-Le Brun et sa fille, Jeanne-Lucie, dite Julie by Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun. It's a self-portrait completed in France in 1786. For more commentary, see this letter. For more on the image, see the Art of Life page.
Do you think it's possible for women "embrace child and career"? Or, when they find themselves pregnant, must they choose between their child in the womb and their career?
Is abortion a good alternative? Is it a sad, but necessary evil, or is it a something we should discourage through social pressure and/or laws?
Can you empathize with women who are struggling to make ends meet or who are finding their college careers interrupted by pregnancy? Is it possible to care for both the woman and the child, or is it unnecessary to avoid abortion because the unborn is less than a child?
At JFA, we think these are some of the most important questions to ponder, and we think these matters are some of the most important for a society that claims to care about human beings to get right.
Discuss! Share this post with a friend! Let's make good conversations on abortion the common ones.
Note: This is one of a series of posts encouraging dialogue on abortion. Whatever your perspective on abortion, please note that Justice For All promotes respect for people with differing views and condemns all abortion-related violence. Please feel free to share this post on social media, and feel free to comment below.