“Working with Justice For All bolstered our club in our fight against abortion, and helped spread awareness of our club. I highly recommend it for every single pro-life group on college campuses.”
“What amazed me was just how effectively and calmly the Justice For All leaders...were able to speak on such a controversial topic... I still give credit to Justice For All for being that push that changed my personal beliefs about being pro-life to a drive to share this reality with others.”
Get JFA’s Guide for Pro-Life Student Groups
Invite JFA to Your Campus
Conversations like this one, at Kennesaw State University (KSU) in November of 2014, are common at Justice For All outreach events. Often, pro-choice students stick around to talk with our staff members and volunteers for an hour or more!
Justice For All (JFA) works to make abortion unthinkable through conversations with pro-choice advocates – conversations in which the contentious debate about abortion is transformed into a dialogue. We offer simple yet sophisticated dialogue training to pro-life students in your club, your church, and your community through what we call Seat Work (interactive seminar) and Feet Work (outreach) events… and we personally mentor participants every step of the way!
Read about the experience of Meredith and Live Action UCLA.
For more information or to invite JFA to your campus, click on the links below.
Interact with Pro-Choice Advocates
JFA’s large exhibit outreach events provide a perfect opportunity for you and the JFA team to create life-changing dialogue with hundreds of pro-choice advocates in just a few days. If JFA isn’t coming to your campus this year, plan to join us for a mission trip during Fall Break, Spring Break, or during the summer. For more information, click on the links below.
During her sophomore year of college, Laura Haschke (above) came on a mission trip with Justice For All to participate in seminars and outreach events near the University of Kansas (KU). She is shown here sharing the JFA Exhibit Brochure with a KU student.
“As I reflect on my time with Justice For All, I can confidently and honestly state that it is the best training I have ever received. ”
Intern with Justice For All
Inspired by her first Justice For All experience, Holly (shown above) brought members of her college’s pro-life club to a JFA seminar and outreach event at Georgia Tech during their 2013 Spring Break. After graduating, Holly completed a year-long internship with JFA. Here, Holly is shown in dialogue at JFA’s outreach to Arizona State University in 2014.
To read about conversations Holly had with pro-choice advocates during her internship, and to hear about her JFA experience in her own words, read selections from Holly's Newsletter Archive.
Apply for a four-month, paid internship with JFA. If accepted, you’ll gain experience in public speaking, mentoring pro-life advocates in small groups, and creating dialogue with pro-choice advocates through frequent campus outreach events. The JFA Internship is the perfect way to explore a career in pro-life work.
Holly Fugate (pictured) first participated in JFA’s training program during a Spring Break trip in college, which prepared her to lead her college’s pro-life club. After graduating, she completed a year-long internship with JFA. She is now raising a family, and continues to use her experience to equip pro-life advocates in her community. Reflecting on her internship experience, Holly said:
“I can think of no better environment in which to receive an education on pro-life ministry and the issues surrounding abortion, and no better environment in which to consistently help make a difference for the unborn and their parents.”