One Student's Story
“Working with Justice For All bolstered our club in our fight against abortion, and helped spread awareness of our club. I highly recommend it for every single pro-life group on college campuses.”
Read the rest of Meredith's story, including a detailed description of a conversation she had with a woman named Amanda, in "How JFA Helped Me Reach My Campus."
What Is Possible?
Each of these stories of hearts changed and lives saved began with an encounter - an encounter with the Justice For All Exhibit. The Exhibit encouraged people in each of these stories to stop and reflect on the truth about the unborn and abortion, and the difference that truth would make to their lives, along with the help of a JFA staff member or volunteer.
Each of JFA's exhibits function as a lightning rod, a lighthouse, and a library. Each one intrigues people so that they become interested in discussing the uncomfortable topic of abortion. Each functions as a lighthouse, bringing to the public eye the visual facts about the unborn and abortion, facts that many students have never confronted. Each functions as a common library, providing something that both pro-choice and pro-life advocates can reference in clarifying their own views and understanding others' views.
When a campus student pro-life club invites a Justice For All exhibit to campus, they not only create a large-scale discussion of abortion in front of the exhibit. In some cases, that discussion infuses the whole campus with energy for discussing the topic. Abortion gets discussed in the campus newspaper. Abortion gets discussed in class. Abortion begins to have the primary place in our public discourse that it deserves. After all, if the pro-choice advocate is correct about abortion and the unborn, then women's reproductive rights are being violated when any restrictive abortion law is put in place. If the pro-life advocate is correct about abortion and the unborn, however, a human being with the same human rights as adults is killed every time an abortion is performed. Surely, the topic deserves to be discussed with all of the facts on the table and with the relational skills every JFA volunteer is taught to employ: asking questions with an open heart, listening to understand, and finding common ground when possible.
JFA exhibits aren't just exhibits. They come with a complete training program in which JFA's team of seasoned leaders mentor pro-life advocates on campus and nearby. Together, these JFA mentors and volunteers turn the energy for abortion discussion created by an exhibit into conversations that change hearts and save lives. Learn more about JFA's flagship training program which accompanies exhibit outreach events, here.
After using the original JFA Exhibit for more than 250 days on more than 40 campuses over 15 years, JFA is creating two new large-format JFA exhibits in December 2015 and the JFA team will begin using these new exhibits in early 2016. You can learn more about supporting the creation of these new exhibits through JFA's Exhibit Research and Development Fund.
JFA exhibits get the conversation started and JFA volunteers make that conversation an experience that can change hearts and save lives. Will you help JFA bring its exhibits to a university campus in your area? Get more information about inviting a large-format JFA exhibit today.