Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke)
One may say that Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke) was destined to be a full-time pro-life advocate when at age six, instead of a lemonade stand, she set-up her own pro-life store outside the front of her home. Fast forward to 2009, one year after being introduced to Justice For All (JFA), she joined the team with a desire to help JFA train thousands, to make abortion unthinkable for millions, one person at a time. Now with hundreds of hours of experience creating dialogue with pro-choice advocates on more than 25 college campuses, Rebecca delights in teaching pro-life advocates how to engage the culture with an intellectual conversation, without missing the heart of those who will be encountered. When she's not training pro-life advocates or in conversation on campus, you may find her floating away in her kayak (hopefully with a paddle) or playing piano while simultaneously singing to the wall.
Featured Video
Watch Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke) talk with a student at Colorado State University about the foundation for our equal rights.
"Practical Dialogue Tips" (with sample dialogue) - 2017 Students for Life of America (SLFA) Conference - Featuring co-presenter Josh Brahm of Equal Rights Institute
It was a conversation that JFA Trainer Rebecca Haschke nearly gave up having altogether. After a 2017 outreach event, Rebecca shared how this conversation ended up teaching her an important "lesson in love."
Pictures of Rebecca in Action
Featured Newsletters
“I have not found peace when considering doing other work. Evil is the absence of good. As it has been said before, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” In working for Justice For All, not only have I been equipped to go out and actively do good but I also have the privilege of walking side-by-side with others as I teach them to do the same. ”
September 2013