Above, a JFA volunteer prays during a JFA Exhibit outreach, seeking help from God. The JFA team submits our funding goals and an invitation to give to JFA with the same spirit of dependence on God for all that we need as we seek to love every human being and make abortion unthinkable.
Justice For All, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Donations to Justice For All are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
An Invitation to Invest in JFA's Mission
Giving to any JFA designation helps JFA train thousands to make abortion unthinkable for millions, one person at a time. In other words, any gift helps to keep JFA’s trainers and volunteers on the ground on college campuses, in churches, and in schools creating life-changing conversations with pro-choice advocates and equipping pro-life advocates to create many more conversations than the members of our training team could create on their own.
The purpose of this section of our website is to explain in more detail how gifts to our various projects directly impact JFA’s mission, and it also clarifies some of JFA’s specific fundraising goals. We invite you to help JFA by giving to these projects.
JFA's Funding Goals 2025
Scroll down or click each link for more information, including progress. Last updated on Dec. 3, 2024.
Training Program Fund (General Fund)
$12,000 in new monthly support commitments
80 individuals giving $50/month ($4000 in new monthly support commitments)
40 individuals giving $100/month ($4000 in new monthly support commitments)
20 individuals giving $200/month ($4000 in new monthly support commitments)
$10,000: IT infrastructure updates (database)
Personal Support Designations and Staff Support Fund
All staff members at 100% of their support goals
75,000: $50,000 (Spring 2025) + $25,000 (Fall 2025)
Arkansas Intern Alora Tunstill and Colorado Regional Training Intern Kristine Hunerwadel are both raising support to continue working full-time for JFA as trainers. The Intern Scholarship Fund helps provide funding for their work while they are raising support.
Exhibit Research and Development Fund