(This page is a work in progress.)
Unintended pregnancy is not simple, and it's not easy. One purpose of this page is to attempt to find the best solutions to offer to women and men considering how to face the challenges of unintended pregnancy. We'll be up front with you: we don't think abortion is a good solution, because we think the evidence shows that the unborn is a human being with equal rights to the rest of us, and we also think that while a woman's right to her body is very important, we don't think that right includes the right to have another human being killed by abortion.
This reality doesn't change the fact that there are many heartbreaking circumstances which lead people to contemplate abortion. Violence against women, policies which harm women, and cultural norms which harm women are all serious problems throughout the world. We must explore solutions to these underlying problems if we want to truly help women and children.
But this discussion leads to another: What's the solution to the abortion controversy? That's the other purpose of this page: How can we move things forward in a way that shows respect for all of the human beings involved, including those with whom we disagree?
So, let's explore solutions together to the practical challenges of unintended pregnancy, the undercurrent of violence that leads to some of these practical challenges, and to the abortion controversy which has caused so much division.