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You’ve been redirected to this page because you were attempting to access “member-only” Justice For All (JFA) content. Don’t worry. Becoming a member means only one thing: You give us your contact information, and we give you access to our content. We want everyone to have access, but we also want the ability to send you updates to the content when we have them. We also want to personally interact with you about how Justice For All can help you change hearts and save lives, and we want to invite you to help us in our mission. That’s it. That’s why we have restricted some of our content. We don’t require you to donate or do anything except give us some contact information. Hopefully this helps you take the plunge. Here’s the link to some of our “member-only” content (click on any of them to bring up the Your Account again):
Love3 Workshop Interactive Guide
JFA’s Love3 Workshop Interactive Guide condenses 15 years of experience of JFA trainers and volunteers into seven sections which include multiple interactive activities you can use to prepare to create productive conversations about unintended pregnancy and abortion. The latest edition (3.4) was produced in 2021 with significant updates to multiple sections.
Each section includes optional pre-reading material that summarizes the information you need in order to begin mastering each conversation skill. Then there is an Activity (“Imitate”) section with a scripted dialogue you can use on your own or with a friend or spouse. Finally, each section includes practical ways to start a conversation so you can put the material into practice immediately. Links to additional resources online are also included.
JFA’s interactive guides have been used by thousands since 2005.
“The Baby’s Heart Beats Like Mine” — Lesson Plan for Elementary School Ages
Released 4-11-2019
In this lesson, K-4 students identify with unborn babies through a series of experiences, including feeling their own heartbeats, seeing the unborn baby in the womb, naming similarities they share with unborn babies, making a bracelet that reminds them of when the heart begins to beat, and narrating what they learned to their parents. The goal is to help them value all human beings including the smallest ones and to get conversations about unborn babies started in churches, schools, and the broader culture.
This K-4 Lesson Plan is well-suited for one-to-many instruction in religious elementary schools, Sunday school environments, and homeschool co-ops, and it's also well-suited for use by parents and grandparents in teaching their kids and grandkids one-to-one.
Justice For All makes this copyrighted Lesson Plan available to anyone to use. To share it with anyone anywhere in the world, use the address When you click on this link, you'll have to sign up as a "JFA Content Subscriber." That's free. It's just our way of making sure we can keep in contact with folks using the lesson plan.
Abortion: From Debate to Dialogue - The Interactive Guide
JFA’s Interactive Guide condenses 15 years of experience of JFA trainers and volunteers into seven interactive activities you can use to prepare to create productive conversations about unintended pregnancy and abortion. The latest edition (3.32) was produced in 2019 with significant updates to multiple sections.
Each activity begins with a simple “Analyze” section that summarizes the information you need in order to begin mastering each conversation skill. Then there is an “Imitate” section with a scripted dialogue you can use on your own or with a friend or spouse. Finally, each activity includes a prompt for trying the dialogue skill without a script and points you to additional resources.
This is the guide JFA mentors and volunteers use in JFA’s acclaimed Abortion: From Debate to Dialogue program. The Interactive Guide has been used by thousands since 2005. You can download it for personal use or for use with small groups now! Use the address to download the guide immediately after login (or sign up). When you click on this link, you'll have to sign up as a "JFA Content Subscriber." That's free. It's just our way of making sure we can keep in contact with folks using the lesson plan.
Other Free JFA Content
JFA has many other pages you can access without a “member-only” login. Here are a few we suggest: