Love the Woman, the Child, and Those Who Differ.
Equally. Every Moment. Every Conversation.
Featured Resources
Read recent reflections from JFA staff and volunteers
Fall 2023 intern Catherine Gimino tells the story of what happened when she interrupted Helen’s walk to class at WSU.
Answering the Hard Cases
In almost every conversation about abortion, we can expect people to ask about “hard cases” such as rape, incest, and life-threatening pregnancy complications. In JFA’s August 2023 Impact Report, JFA trainer Kristina Massa beautifully illustrates JFA’s framework for addressing these questions through the story of a conversation with “Brad” in April 2023.
A Changed Heart at Fort Lewis
In JFA’s July 2023 Impact Report, Rebekah Dyer shares about how God gave her the gift of seeing both a shift in belief about abortion and a new commitment to Christ in the span of an hour. Thank God with us!
Attitude Can Make or Break the Conversation
In our June 2022 Impact Report, Rebecca Hotovy tells the story of her conversation with “Chris” at OU in 2015.
Baby’s Heart Beats Like Mine - Lesson Plan