Pray with JFA

Pray with JFA for “One Person at a Time”: 

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See our November Impact Report titled, “2,017+ Conversations in 2017” for the names of hundreds of people with whom we interacted at our outreach events and in “everyday life” conversations in 2017. We suggest praying slowly through each name, asking God to cause the seeds planted in the heart to bear fruit. Pray for each person to love unborn children and their parents in action. Pray for each person to grow in the love of God through Jesus Christ.

Pray for God’s Provision During the Year-End Giving Period: 

Please pray with us for JFA’s friends, volunteers, and readers, as they consider giving to JFA at the end of 2017 to help JFA train more advocates to create more conversations in 2018. Do you have a friend with whom you would like to share JFA’s mission? Pass along the links below. Are you able to give a gift? Thanks for taking a few minutes to pray about these things with us.